Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thomas The Train

Roland loves his Thomas Trains.  He got Percy today and absolutely refused to do anything without them.      Thomas held up well in the tub too!  They are tough toys.

Thomas The Train from lynden tanenbaum on Vimeo.

 After a morning at school, lunch, bath and playtime at Grandma's, Roland napped with Thomas and Percy close by.

Snowman Sweater

Roland is sporting his new Snowman sweater.  What a cutie!

Monday, October 22, 2012

The New Playhouse and Uncle Roman

Uncle Roman is visiting for awhile and Roland got to get reacquainted with his Uncle and discover the joys of having a portable playhouse to explore. Looks like Ollie enjoyed the fun too.   

New Playhouse & Uncle Roman from lynden tanenbaum on Vimeo.